Stalks II
This series uses dried flower stalks I came across on my frequent walks. A neighbor gardener had thinned an end-of-season flower bed and piled the stalks along the roadside. I’d passed them repeatedly until, one time, I could no longer resist inspecting them. And so, I decided to bring them back to my studio.

stalks awaiting triage in studio
Medium: tempered hardboard, wood fiber, stalks, avocado peel, orange peel, bamboo leaf, rose petal, coffee grounds
Dimensions: 18 x 27 x 2 in [45,7 x 68,6 x 5 cm]
Abundance *
Medium: tempered hardboard, wood fiber, stalks, avocado peel, orange peel, bamboo leaf, rose petal, coffee grounds
Dimensions: 18 x 27 x 2 in [45,7 x 68,6 x 5 cm]
* = Sold